The hurt everyday

I have been at my job for almost a year now and February prior to getting hired at this job I worked in a medical office for five years and I loved it but then I got pregnant and had major anxiety and I couldn’t even leave my house. When I was 20 weeks pregnant halfway through that is when I quit my job working there. After I gave birth to my son I decided that I wanted to try something different because I knew I could always go back to the medical office. So then I was looking through and putting in job applications everywhere and I saw this job as a laboratory processor And I couldn’t pass it up because it looks so interesting and in my line of work. When I was pregnant I decided to get my certified phlebotomy technician certification. I had drawn blood for five years when I worked in the medical office under the doctor and knew I wasn’t going to go back there so I had to do something. I applied for this job and 10 minutes later they called me for an interview I went in the next day and got the job right on the spot I absolutely love it and everything about it. All the people were nice that worked there and the job was constant so the day went by quick. I’m in a room all day with two other coworkers and it was pretty cool first because we can talk while we worked when it was acceptable. A couple weeks went by and I started to get harassed by one of the girls there. She had been there for 5 years and really knew what she was doing when it came to work. Everyone went to her when they had problems or needed something fixed or figured out. She would never answer my questions and she would ignore me. I got tired of it after a month and I pulled her aside and talked to her to see what I was doing wrong. She couldn’t answer me or give me a reason . Just blew it off like usual. This went on for months where I got ignored and bullied. This was ruining my life. I loved my job but I didn’t want to go to work because I knew how I would feel once I got there. I started looking for a different job but there wasn’t anything that I knew I would enjoy as much as this one. I felt hopeless. I just kept dealing with it because the only thing on my mind was I had to provide for my child and I couldn’t let this keep bothering me. I was getting depressed and felt like there was no one that I could talk to.

I called my mom and she told me I needed to go see someone. I really didn’t want to and let this go on for another month but nothing was getting better. So I made an appointment with a doctor and told him what was going on. He put me on a anxiety/depression medication. It didn’t really start working for 2-3 weeks when I noticed a little difference.

I could finally start going to work and be okay . Get through the day without crying in the bathroom. The same thing went on with my coworker. I didn’t know what else to do. My other coworkers noticed the way she was treating me and even my supervisor. All he told me was that I’m not going to be liked everywhere I go and maybe I should find a different job… when I heard that I just thought it was so ridiculous. He’s noticing this and not doing anything about it ? What kind of supervisor was this?

December rolled around and everyone in the laboratory was in the holiday spirit and everything was starting to get better. Why because of the holidays? Why not just because you only live once and you’re at work more then you’re at home and you should treat people the way you want to be treated. I couldn’t understand this. All I kept telling myself is that I needed to talk to her. I asked if she would go outside with me away from everyone because I needed to. She told me she would start acting different or try to because she knew the way she was making me feel.

I could never do that to someone. After Christmas and New Years it was back to work. I was excited. I was happy. I wanted to see a change.. a difference. For my health, my career. My baby boy.

First day back to work was miserable. The same thing kept happening. What did I do? I was over it completely. I went to a different coworker that was friends with the one who was treating me like this. She told me “I just don’t get why she hates you so much Alex. All she does it talk bad about you behind your back to everyone.”

Couple days went by and I was making coffee and my coworker that just has to told me that the other day came in and shut the door and said I need to talk to you. I was confused so I listened to be and she said “you need to go to HR and the laboratory manager right away.” I was quiet just thinking what could this possibly be about.. so she went on. “She was accessing you medical records and snooping through your chart and time card looking at your doctors visits and X-rays blood work everything.

This was my chance. To do something about her. I called my laboratory manager and explained everything in detail what has been going on for the past almost year. He told me you will have nothing to worry about I will take care of it.

That’s against the law that’s a hipaa violation. I could take her to court, get a restraining order.. I could have her fined. As much as this person was ruining my life all I wanted was for her to be gone. Fired. Never ave to work in the medical field ever again.

I was getting the cold shoulder and ignored by everyone else that worked there because they knew she was getting fired because of me.. because I told my manager. I felt so invaded. I was not comfortable seeing my doctor anymore because how will I know that another employee won’t look through my chart ? Tell the world?

I started to feel guilty for what I did but how could I ? That was my life and my Personal records.

Now that she is gone and I can finally breathe again.. I really couldn’t though.

My job hunt begins now. I will not stop until I find something else. No matter what I do I always feel in the wrong because I have such a big heart. I didn’t know what to do. I still don’t.

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